
Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.test.dht.test_discovery.TestDHTDiscoveryCommunity

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.test.dht.base.TestDHTBase[2.12.ipv8.dht.discovery.DHTDiscoveryCommunity]

Tests related to the DHTDiscoveryCommunity behaviors.

setUp() None

Create two discovery communities, without token maintenance.

create_node(*args: Any, **kwargs) 2.12.ipv8.test.mocking.ipv8.MockIPv8

We only allow curve 25519 (libnacl) keys.

async test_provider() None

Test the DHT provider (used to fetch peers in the hidden services).

async test_provider_invalid_data() None

Test the DHT provider when invalid data arrives.

async test_store_peer() None

Check if peers properly make themselves part of the DHT.

async test_store_peer_fail() None

Check if the routing table does not update if our node id is already present.

async test_connect_peer() None

Test if connecting to a peer based on a public key works.

async test_connect_peer_fail() None

Check if a mid that is not in the routing table raises a DHTError on lookup.

async test_ping_pong() None

Check if pinging between two particular nodes works.

test_ping_all() None

Check if pinging all nodes - when necessary - works.