Creating your first overlay

This document assumes you have installed all of the dependencies as instructed in the You will learn how to construct a network overlay using IPv8.

Running the IPv8 service

Fill your file with the following code:

from asyncio import run

from ipv8.configuration import get_default_configuration
from ipv8.util import run_forever
from ipv8_service import IPv8

async def start_ipv8() -> None:
    # Create an IPv8 object with the default settings.
    ipv8 = IPv8(get_default_configuration())
    await ipv8.start()

    # Wait forever (or until the user presses Ctrl+C)
    await run_forever()

    # Shutdown IPv8. To keep things simple, we won't stop IPv8 in the remainder of the tutorial.
    await ipv8.stop()

# Create a new event loop and run a task that starts an IPv8 instance.

You can now run this file using Python as follows:


You should see some debug information being printed to your terminal. If this step failed, you are probably missing dependencies.

If everything is running correctly: congratulations! You have just run the IPv8 service for the first time.

Running two IPv8 services

Now that we have managed to create an IPv8-service instance, we want to create a second instance. This way we can start testing the network overlay with multiple instances. To try this, fill your file with the following code:

from asyncio import run

from ipv8.configuration import get_default_configuration
from ipv8.util import run_forever
from ipv8_service import IPv8

async def start_ipv8() -> None:
    # The first IPv8 will attempt to claim a port.
    await IPv8(get_default_configuration()).start()
    # The second IPv8 will attempt to claim a port.
    # It cannot claim the same port and will end up claiming a different one.
    await IPv8(get_default_configuration()).start()
    await run_forever()


If you were successful, you should now see double the debug information being printed to your terminal.

Loading a custom overlay

Now that we can launch two instances, let’s create the actual network overlay. To do this, fill your file with the following code:

import os
from asyncio import run

from import Community
from ipv8.configuration import ConfigBuilder, Strategy, WalkerDefinition, default_bootstrap_defs
from ipv8.util import run_forever
from ipv8_service import IPv8

class MyCommunity(Community):
    # Register this community with a randomly generated community ID.
    # Other peers will connect to this community based on this identifier.
    community_id = os.urandom(20)

async def start_communities() -> None:
    for i in [1, 2]:
        builder = ConfigBuilder().clear_keys().clear_overlays()
        # If we actually want to communicate between two different peers
        # we need to assign them different keys.
        # We will generate an EC key called 'my peer' which has 'medium'
        # security and will be stored in file 'ecI.pem' where 'I' is replaced
        # by the peer number (1 or 2).
        builder.add_key("my peer", "medium", f"ec{i}.pem")
        # Instruct IPv8 to load our custom overlay, registered in _COMMUNITIES.
        # We use the 'my peer' key, which we registered before.
        # We will attempt to find other peers in this overlay using the
        # RandomWalk strategy, until we find 10 peers.
        # We do not provide additional startup arguments or a function to run
        # once the overlay has been initialized.
        builder.add_overlay("MyCommunity", "my peer",
                                              10, {'timeout': 3.0})],
                            default_bootstrap_defs, {}, [])
        await IPv8(builder.finalize(),
                   extra_communities={'MyCommunity': MyCommunity}).start()
    await run_forever()


As we replaced the default overlays, you should no longer see any debug information being printed to your terminal. Our overlay is now loaded twice, but it is still not doing anything.

Printing the known peers

Like every DHT-based network overlay framework, IPv8 needs some time to find peers. We will now modify again to print the current number of peers:

import os
from asyncio import run

from import Community
from ipv8.configuration import ConfigBuilder, Strategy, WalkerDefinition, default_bootstrap_defs
from import PeerObserver
from ipv8.types import Peer
from ipv8.util import run_forever
from ipv8_service import IPv8

class MyCommunity(Community, PeerObserver):
    community_id = os.urandom(20)

    def on_peer_added(self, peer: Peer) -> None:
        print("I am:", self.my_peer, "I found:", peer)

    def on_peer_removed(self, peer: Peer) -> None:

    def started(self) -> None:

async def start_communities() -> None:
    for i in [1, 2]:
        builder = ConfigBuilder().clear_keys().clear_overlays()
        builder.add_key("my peer", "medium", f"ec{i}.pem")
        # We provide the 'started' function to the 'on_start'.
        # We will call the overlay's 'started' function without any
        # arguments once IPv8 is initialized.
        builder.add_overlay("MyCommunity", "my peer",
                                              10, {'timeout': 3.0})],
                            default_bootstrap_defs, {}, [('started',)])
        await IPv8(builder.finalize(),
                   extra_communities={'MyCommunity': MyCommunity}).start()
    await run_forever()


Running this should yield something like the following output:

$ python
I am: Peer<, dxGFpQ4awTMz826HOVCB5OoiPPI=> I found: Peer<, YfHrKJR4O72/k/FBYYxMIQwOb1U=>
I am: Peer<, YfHrKJR4O72/k/FBYYxMIQwOb1U=> I found: Peer<, dxGFpQ4awTMz826HOVCB5OoiPPI=>


You should never use the address of a Peer as its identifier. A Peer’s address can change over time! Instead, use the mid of a Peer (which is the SHA-1 hash of its public key) or its public_key.key_to_bin() (the serialized form of the public key). The public key of a Peer never changes.

Adding messages

As an example for adding messages, we will now make a Lamport clock for three peers. Update your once again to contain the following code:

import os
from asyncio import run
from dataclasses import dataclass

from import Community, CommunitySettings
from ipv8.configuration import ConfigBuilder, Strategy, WalkerDefinition, default_bootstrap_defs
from ipv8.lazy_community import lazy_wrapper
from ipv8.messaging.payload_dataclass import overwrite_dataclass
from ipv8.types import Peer
from ipv8.util import run_forever
from ipv8_service import IPv8

# Enhance normal dataclasses for IPv8 (see the serialization documentation)
dataclass = overwrite_dataclass(dataclass)

@dataclass(msg_id=1)  # The value 1 identifies this message and must be unique per community
class MyMessage:
    clock: int  # We add an integer (technically a "long long") field "clock" to this message

class MyCommunity(Community):
    community_id = os.urandom(20)

    def __init__(self, settings: CommunitySettings) -> None:
        # Register the message handler for messages (with the identifier "1").
        self.add_message_handler(MyMessage, self.on_message)
        # The Lamport clock this peer maintains.
        # This is for the example of global clock synchronization.
        self.lamport_clock = 0

    def started(self) -> None:
        async def start_communication() -> None:
            if not self.lamport_clock:
                # If we have not started counting, try boostrapping
                # communication with our other known peers.
                for p in self.get_peers():
                    self.ez_send(p, MyMessage(self.lamport_clock))

        # We register an asyncio task with this overlay.
        # This makes sure that the task ends when this overlay is unloaded.
        # We call the 'start_communication' function every 5.0 seconds, starting now.
        self.register_task("start_communication", start_communication, interval=5.0, delay=0)

    def on_message(self, peer: Peer, payload: MyMessage) -> None:
        # Update our Lamport clock.
        self.lamport_clock = max(self.lamport_clock, payload.clock) + 1
        print(self.my_peer, "current clock:", self.lamport_clock)
        # Then synchronize with the rest of the network again.
        self.ez_send(peer, MyMessage(self.lamport_clock))

async def start_communities() -> None:
    for i in [1, 2, 3]:
        builder = ConfigBuilder().clear_keys().clear_overlays()
        builder.add_key("my peer", "medium", f"ec{i}.pem")
        builder.add_overlay("MyCommunity", "my peer",
                                              10, {'timeout': 3.0})],
                            default_bootstrap_defs, {}, [('started',)])
        await IPv8(builder.finalize(),
                   extra_communities={'MyCommunity': MyCommunity}).start()
    await run_forever()


If you run this, you should see the three peers actively trying to establish an ever-increasing global clock value.