
Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.test.bootstrapping.dispersy.test_bootstrapper.TestDispersyBootstrapper(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to Dispersy-style bootstrapping.

setUp() None

Create a fake bootstrap server and create a bootstrapper definition for it.

async test_initialize() None

Check if the special bootstrap addresses are added to the overlay’s blacklist upon initialization.

We don’t test network DNS resolution here, which would contact the Internet.

async test_get_addresses() None

Check if the bootstrapper contacts the registered bootstrap nodes and doesn’t return manual addresses.

async test_get_addresses_timeout() None

Check if a second call within the timeout gets dropped.

async test_get_addresses_blacklist() None

Check if the get_addresses ensures bootstrap nodes are in the blacklist.

async test_keep_alive() None

Check if the keep_alive tries to walk to a bootstrap node to keepe the connection alive.

async test_keep_alive_blacklist() None

Check if the keep_alive adds walked nodes into the blacklist.

async test_blacklist() None

Check if the blacklist returns the added nodes in the blacklist.