
Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.test.attestation.tokentree.test_tree.TestTree(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to the token tree.

setUp() None

Set up a new private key for testing.

test_create_own_empty() None

Check if we can create our own tree without content.

test_create_other_empty() None

Check if we can create a tree without content of someone else.

test_own_add() None

Check if content is correctly added to the tree.

test_other_add_insequence() None

Check if content is correctly added to another’s tree, in order.

test_other_add_outsequence() None

Check if content is not added to another’s tree if it is not linked to existing data.

test_other_add_outsequence_overflow() None

Check if content is not added to another’s tree if it is not linked to existing data. Remove the oldest data when too much data is pending.

test_other_add_duplicate() None

Check if tokens are not added twice (by branch position and content hash).

test_other_add_duplicate_wcontent() None

Check if a token passes on its content to a duplicate entry without content.

test_serialize_public() None

Check if the public tree data is serialized correctly.

test_serialize_public_partial() None

Check if the public tree data is partially serialized correctly.

test_unserialize_public() None

Check if serialized public tree data can be paired with its source data.