
Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.test.attestation.identity.test_manager.TestIdentityManager(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to the identity manager.

setUp() None

Create a new identity manager for testing.

forget_identities() None

Drop all identity information from our memory database.

test_create_identity() None

Test if a new pseudonym is correctly created.

test_substantiate_empty() None

Check if an empty identity disclosure is loaded and valid.

test_create_credential() None

Test creating a credential without attestations.

test_substantiate_credential_update() None

Test substantiating a credential without attestations, with existing metadata.

test_substantiate_credential_no_metadata() None

Test substantiating a credential without attestations, without metadata.

This situation is a bit tricky:
  • The path to the root from the one disclosed Token is valid.

  • No Metadata is known for this Token and it therefore does not form a credential.

test_substantiate_credential_with_metadata() None

Test substantiating a credential without attestations.

test_substantiate_credential_full() None

Test substantiating a typical credential.

test_substantiate_credential_partial() None

Test substantiating a typical credential, with partial disclosure.