
The hidden tunnel community.

Author(s): Egbert Bouman

Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.hidden_services.HiddenTunnelSettings

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.community.TunnelSettings

Settings for the hidden tunnel community.

ipv8: 2.12.ipv8.types.IPv8 | None
e2e_callbacks: dict[bytes, Callable[[Address], None] | None] | None
class 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.hidden_services.HiddenTunnelCommunity(settings: HiddenTunnelSettings)

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.community.TunnelCommunity

Extension of TunnelCommunity logic to link up circuits and create closed-loop e2e circuits.

join_swarm(info_hash: bytes, hops: int, callback: Callable[[Address], None] | None = None, seeding: bool = True) None

Join a hidden swarm. This should be called by both the downloader and the seeder. Calling this method while already part of the swarm will cause the community to drop all pre-existing connections. Note that the seeder should also create introduction points by calling create_introduction_point().

  • info_hash – the swarm identifier

  • hops – the amount of hops for our introduction/rendezvous circuits

  • callback – the callback function to call when we have established an e2e circuit

  • seeding – whether the swarm should be joined as seeder

leave_swarm(info_hash: bytes) None

Leave a hidden swarm. Can be called by both the downloader and the seeder.


info_hash – the swarm identifier

async estimate_swarm_size(info_hash: bytes, hops: int = 1, max_requests: int = 10) int

Estimate the number of unique seeders that are part of a hidden swarm.

  • info_hash – the swarm identifier

  • hops – the amount of hops to use for contacting introduction points

  • max_requests – the number of introduction points we should send a get-peers message to


number of unique seeders

select_circuit_for_infohash(info_hash: bytes) Circuit | None

Get a circuit that connectes to the swarm of the given SHA-1 hash.

create_circuit_for_infohash(info_hash: bytes, ctype: str, exit_flags: Set[int] | None = None, required_exit: 2.12.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None) Circuit | None

Create a circuit that connects to the swarm given by the SHA-1 (info) hash.

ip_to_circuit_id(ip_str: str) int

Convert an IP to a (special) circuit id.

circuit_id_to_ip(circuit_id: int) str

Convert an IP-embedded circuit id back to the original IP.

async do_peer_discovery() None

Find peers in the swarms that we are a part of.

do_circuits() None

Beyond normal circuit creation, make sure we have circuits for introduction points.

do_ping(exclude: list[int] | None = None) None

Ping all circuits, except pending e2e circuits.

remove_circuit(circuit_id: int, additional_info: str = '', remove_now: bool = False, destroy: bool | int = False) Coroutine[Any, Any, None]

Remove the given circuit and update any swarms it may be part of.

remove_exit_socket(circuit_id: int, additional_info: str = '', remove_now: bool = False, destroy: bool = False) Coroutine[Any, Any, 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.TunnelExitSocket | None]

Remove the given exit circuit, remove associated rendezvous points and update any PEX communities it may be part of.

get_max_time(circuit_id: int) float

Get the maximum time that a given circuit is allowed to exist.

tunnel_data(circuit: Circuit | 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.TunnelExitSocket, destination: Address, payload: VariablePayloadWID) None

Send any serializable payload to the next hop in the circuit.

select_circuit(destination: Address | None, hops: int) Circuit | None

Make sure that we select the right circuit when dealing with an e2e connection.

send_peers_request(info_hash: bytes, target: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint | None, hops: int) Future[list[2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint]]

Attempt to find peers for a given SHA-1 (info) hash.

async on_peers_request(source_address: Address, payload: PeersRequestPayload, circuit_id: int | None = None) None

Callback for when someone wants us to find peers for their circuit.

send_peers_response(target_addr: Address, request: PeersRequestPayload, intro_points: list[2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint], circuit_id: int | None) None

Send a response with the peers that we found through the DHT.

on_peers_response(source_address: Address, payload: PeersResponsePayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when someone performed a DHT lookup for us.

create_e2e(info_hash: bytes, intro_point: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint) None

Create an e2e bridge for the given SHA-1 (info) hash over the given introduction point.

async on_create_e2e(source_address: Address, payload: CreateE2EPayload, circuit_id: int | None = None) None

Callback for when we receive a creation message for an e2e circuit.

create_created_e2e(rp: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.RendezvousPoint, source_address: Address, payload: CreateE2EPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when we receive “create” or “created” payloads.

async on_created_e2e(source_address: Address, payload: CreatedE2EPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when peers signal that they have created an e2e circuit.

Callback for when an e2e circuit attempts to link up sender and receiver.

on_linked_e2e(source_address: Address, payload: LinkedE2EPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when a sender and receiver circuit have been linked up.

async create_introduction_point(info_hash: bytes, required_ip: 2.12.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None) None

Create an introduction point for the given SHA-1 (info) hash.

on_establish_intro(source_address: Address, payload: EstablishIntroPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when we are asked to be an introduction point.

on_intro_established(source_address: Address, payload: IntroEstablishedPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when a peer signals that an introduction point has been created for us.

async create_rendezvous_point(info_hash: bytes) 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.RendezvousPoint | None

Create a new rendezvous point for the given SHA-1 (info) hash.

on_establish_rendezvous(source_address: Address, payload: EstablishRendezvousPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when we are requested to be a rendezvous point.

on_rendezvous_established(source_address: Address, payload: RendezvousEstablishedPayload, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when a peer signals that they act as a rendezvous point for us.

async dht_lookup(info_hash: bytes) tuple[bytes, list[2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint]] | None

Attempt to find introduction points for the given SHA-1 (info) hash.

async dht_announce(info_hash: bytes, intro_point: 2.12.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.IntroductionPoint) None

Announce ourselves as a candidate for the given SHA-1 (info) hash.