
Module Contents


class 2.12.ipv8.REST.asyncio_endpoint.DequeLogHandler(maxlen: int = 50)

Bases: logging.Handler

Log handler that stores the past log records.

emit(record: logging.LogRecord) None

Callback for when a log record is written.

class 2.12.ipv8.REST.asyncio_endpoint.DriftMeasurementStrategy(core_update_rate: float)

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.peerdiscovery.discovery.DiscoveryStrategy

Strategy to measure how far off the invocation time of strategies is from the IPv8 tick rate.

take_step() None

Measure the time since our last invocation and compare it to the expected update rate.

class 2.12.ipv8.REST.asyncio_endpoint.AsyncioEndpoint

Bases: 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.BaseEndpoint[2.12.ipv8.types.IPv8]

This endpoint helps with the monitoring of the Asyncio thread.

setup_routes() None

Register the names to make this endpoint callable.

enable() bool

Create a new measurement strategy and hook it into IPv8.

disable() bool

Destroy the previously registered measurement strategy.

async retrieve_drift(_: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Calculate the current drift.

async enable_measurements(request: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Enable or disable drift measurements.

async get_asyncio_tasks(_: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Return all currently running Asyncio tasks.

async set_asyncio_debug(request: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Set asyncio debug options.

async get_asyncio_debug(_: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.12.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Return Asyncio log messages.