
Module Contents



Bootstrapper that uses the Dispersy protocol to find initial peers.

class latest.ipv8.bootstrapping.dispersy.bootstrapper.DispersyBootstrapper(ip_addresses: Iterable[latest.ipv8.types.Address], dns_addresses: Iterable[latest.ipv8.types.Address], bootstrap_timeout: float = 30.0)

Bases: latest.ipv8.bootstrapping.bootstrapper_interface.Bootstrapper

Bootstrapper that uses the Dispersy protocol to find initial peers.

async resolve_dns_bootstrap_addresses() None

Resolve the bootstrap server DNS names defined in dns_addresses and insert them into ip_addresses.

async initialize(overlay: bool

Initialize this bootstrapper for the given Community, settings its blacklist.

async get_addresses(overlay:, timeout: float) Iterable[latest.ipv8.types.Address]

Attempt to find new addresses for the given overlay.

We never have pending addresses and this function always returns an empty list.

keep_alive(overlay: None

Keep at least one connection to any bootstrap server open. This avoids network splits/partitioning.

blacklist() Iterable[latest.ipv8.types.Address]

Overlays should not consider bootstrap nodes to be normal peers.

unload() None

Unload this bootstrapper.