
Module Contents


_random_number(→ int)

Generate a random integer of a given number of bytes.


Create an proof that a <= value <= b, for a public key's value lying within a certain bitspace.

latest.ipv8.attestation.wallet.pengbaorange.attestation._random_number(bytelen: int) int

Generate a random integer of a given number of bytes.

latest.ipv8.attestation.wallet.pengbaorange.attestation.create_attest_pair(PK: latest.ipv8.attestation.wallet.primitives.structs.BonehPublicKey, value: int, a: int, b: int, bitspace: int) latest.ipv8.attestation.wallet.pengbaorange.structs.PengBaoAttestation

Create an proof that a <= value <= b, for a public key’s value lying within a certain bitspace.