
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.test.keyvault.test_serialization.TestSerialization(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Test whether keys can be serialized and unserialized correctly.

setUp() None

Create a M2Crypto private key and a LibNaCL private key.

test_private_to_bin() None

Check if M2Crypto derived key bins are valid.

test_private_nacl_to_bin() None

Check if libnacl derived key bins are valid.

test_private_to_pem() None

Check if keys can be serialized and loaded correctly in PEM format.

test_public_to_bin() None

Check if M2Crypto derived public key bins are valid.

test_public_nacl_to_bin() None

Check if libnacl derived public key bins are valid.

test_public_to_pem() None

Check if public keys can be serialized and loaded correctly in PEM format.