
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.test.attestation.wallet.bonehexact.test_structs.TestStructs(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to boneh attestation structs.

test_pack_pair() None

Check if a pair of integers can be packed and unpacked correctly.

test_pack_pair_with_remainder() None

Check if a pair of integers can be packed and unpacked correctly with a remainder.

test_serialize_boneh_pk() None

Check if a BonehPublicKey can be serialized and unserialized correctly.

test_serialize_boneh_pk_garbage() None

Check if a BonehPublicKey returns None when unserializing garbage data.

test_serialize_boneh_pk_with_remainder() None

Check if a BonehPublicKey can be serialized and unserialized correctly with remainder.

test_serialize_boneh_sk() None

Check if a BonehPrivateKey can be serialized and unserialized correctly.

test_serialize_boneh_sk_with_remainder() None

Check if a BonehPrivateKey can be serialized and unserialized correctly with remainder.

test_serialize_boneh_sk_garbage() None

Check if a BonehPrivateKey returns None when unserializing garbage data.

test_serialize_bitpair_attestation() None

Check if a BitPairAttestation can be serialized and unserialized correctly.

test_serialize_bitpair_attestation_with_remainder() None

Check if a BitPairAttestation can be serialized and unserialized correctly with remainder.

test_serialize_bitpair_compress() None

Check if a BitPairAttestation can be compressed for proofing.

test_serialize_attestation_empty() None

Check if an Attestation can be serialized and unserialized correctly with no bitpairs.

test_serialize_attestation_one() None

Check if an Attestation can be serialized and unserialized correctly with one bitpair.

test_serialize_attestation_many() None

Check if an Attestation can be serialized and unserialized correctly with twenty bitpairs.