
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.test.attestation.wallet.bonehexact.test_attestation.TestAttestation(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to boneh attestations.

test_generate_minverse_group() None

Check if additive inverse group generation modulo (p + 1) is correct.

test_attest() None

Check if Attestations can be created correctly.

test_empty_relativity_map() None

Check if a new relativity map is empty.

test_binary_relativity() None

Check if the binary relativity of several numbers is calculated correctly.

test_binary_relativity_match() None

Check if matching percentages between maps are relatively correct.

test_binary_relativity_certainty() None

Check if matching certainties between maps are relatively correct.

test_create_challenge() None

Check if challenges can be created and are properly responded to.

test_process_challenge_response() None

Check if a map is properly updates when a challenge response comes in.