
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.test.attestation.tokentree.test_token.TestToken(methodName: str = 'runTest')

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.test.base.TestBase

Tests related to tokens.

classmethod setUpClass() None

Load in test data.

setUp() None

Create a new private key for testing.

test_create_private_token() None

Check if a token is correctly created with a private key.

test_verify_token_illegal() None

Check if a token does not verify for a different public key.

test_create_public_token() None

Check if a token is correctly loaded with a public key.

test_update_public_token() None

Check if a token with only a content hash accepts the correct content.

test_update_public_token_illegal() None

Check if a token with only a content hash rejects invalid content.