
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.test.REST.test_network_endpoint.TestNetworkEndpoint

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.test.REST.rest_base.RESTTestBase

Tests related to the network REST endpoint.

async setUp() None

Create a single node.

async test_no_peers() None

Check if the network endpoint returns no peers if it has no peers.

async test_one_peer_no_services() None

Check if the network endpoint returns its one known peer with no services.

async test_one_peer_one_service() None

Check if the network endpoint returns its one known peer with one service.

async test_one_peer_multiple_services() None

Check if the network endpoint returns its one known peer with multiple services.

async test_multiple_peers_multiple_services() None

Check if the network endpoint returns multiple peers with distinct services.