
Module Contents



class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.NumberCache(request_cache: RequestCache, prefix: str, number: int)

A cache for state information that is uniquely identified by a prefix and a number.

property managed_futures: list[tuple[asyncio.Future, object | None]]

Get a list of all managed futures.

property prefix: str

Get the prefix of this cache type.

property number: int

Get the unique number of this cache.

property timeout_delay: float

The delay until this cache should be timed out.

register_future(future: asyncio.Future, on_timeout: object | None = None) None

Register a future for this Cache that will be canceled when this Cache times out.

  • future – the future to register for this instance

  • on_timeout – The value to which the future is to be set when a timeout occurs. If the value is an instance of Exception, future.set_exception will be called instead of future.set_result

abstract on_timeout() None

The logic to call when this cache times out.

__str__() str

Convert this cache to a printable string.

class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.RandomNumberCache(request_cache: RequestCache, prefix: str)

Bases: NumberCache

A cache with a randomly generated number.

classmethod find_unclaimed_identifier(request_cache: RequestCache, prefix: str) int

Generate a random number for use with this cache.

class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.CacheWithName

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

All caches with a name attribute.

name: str
class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.NumberCacheWithName(request_cache: RequestCache, prefix: str, number: int)

Bases: NumberCache, CacheWithName, abc.ABC

A NumberCache with a name attribute.

class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.RandomNumberCacheWithName(request_cache: RequestCache, prefix: str)

Bases: RandomNumberCache, CacheWithName, abc.ABC

A RandomNumberCache with a name attribute.

class 2.13.ipv8.requestcache.RequestCache

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.taskmanager.TaskManager

Manager for NumberCache caches.

_timeout_override: float | None

If not None, this specifies the timeout to use instead of the one defined in the timeout_delay of a NumberCache. This is used internally for passthrough(), don’t modify this directly!

_timeout_filters: Iterable[type[NumberCache]] | None

If not None, this specifies the NumberCache (sub)classes to apply the timeout override for. This is used internally for passthrough(), don’t modify this directly!

add(cache: ACT) ACT | None

Add CACHE into this RequestCache instance.

Returns CACHE when CACHE.identifier was not yet added, otherwise returns None.

has(prefix: str, number: int) bool
has(prefix: type[CacheTypeVar], number: int) bool

Returns True when IDENTIFIER is part of this RequestCache.

get(prefix: str, number: int) NumberCache | None
get(prefix: type[CacheTypeVar], number: int) CacheTypeVar | None

Returns the Cache associated with IDENTIFIER when it exists, otherwise returns None.

pop(prefix: str, number: int) NumberCache
pop(prefix: type[CacheTypeVar], number: int) CacheTypeVar

Returns the Cache associated with IDENTIFIER, and removes it from this RequestCache, when it exists, otherwise raises a KeyError exception.

passthrough(cls_filter: type[NumberCache] | None = None, *filters: type[NumberCache], timeout: float = 0.0) Generator

A contextmanager that overwrites the timeout_delay of added NumberCaches in its scope. This can be used to shorten or eliminate timeouts of external code.

— Example 1: Eliminating timeouts, regardless of cache.timeout_delay

with request_cache.passthrough():
    request_cache.add(cache)  # This will instantly timeout (once the main thread is yielded).

with request_cache.passthrough():
    # Any internal call to request_cache.add() will also be instantly timed out.
    await some_function_that_uses_request_cache()

— Example 2: Modifying timeouts, regardless of cache.timeout_delay

with request_cache.passthrough(timeout=0.1):
    request_cache.add(cache)  # This will timeout after 0.1 seconds.

— Example 3: Filtering for specific classes —

# Only MyCacheClass, MyOtherCacheClass, YetAnotherCacheClass will have their timeout changed to 4 seconds.
with request_cache.passthrough(MyCacheClass, MyOtherCacheClass, YetAnotherCacheClass, timeout=4.0):
  • cls_filter – An optional class filter to specify which classes the timeout override needs to apply to.

  • filters – Additional class filters to specify which classes the timeout override needs to apply to.

  • timeout – The timeout in seconds to use for the NumberCache instances this applies to.


A context manager (compatible with with).

_on_timeout(cache: NumberCache) None

Called CACHE.timeout_delay seconds after CACHE was added to this RequestCache.

_on_timeout is called for every Cache, except when it has been popped before the timeout expires. When called _on_timeout will CACHE.on_timeout().

_create_identifier(number: int, prefix: str) str
clear() list[asyncio.Future]

Clear the cache, canceling all pending tasks.

async shutdown() None

Clear the cache, cancel all pending tasks and disallow new caches being added.