
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.messaging.interfaces.lan_addresses.addressprovider.AddressProvider(verbose: bool = False)

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for OS-specific methods of finding local interfaces addresses.

on_exception() None

Called by provider implementations that encounter an Exception.

discover_addresses(min_interval: float = 10.0) None

Discovers the LAN addresses using this provider. The addresses are only discovered if the previous call was more than min_interval seconds ago. The most recent results can be retrieved through get_addresses_buffered().


min_interval – Minimum time in seconds between discoveries.

abstract get_addresses() Set[str]

Get a set of LAN addresses using this provider.

get_addresses_buffered() Set[str]

Return the known addresses from when discover_addresses() was last successfully called. If discovery hasn’t been performed yet, do so now.