
The tunnel community.

Author(s): Egbert Bouman

Module Contents



2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.community.unpack_cell(payload_cls: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Serializable]) Callable[Ellipsis, Callable[[TunnelCommunity, 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, bytes, int | None], None]]

This function wrapper will unpack the normal payload for you, and handle a singular circuit_id parameter at the end of the parameter list You can now write your non-authenticated and signed functions as follows:

def on_message(source_address, payload):
    :type source_address: str
    :type payload: DataPayload
class 2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.community.TunnelSettings

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.community.CommunitySettings

Settings to forward to the TunnelCommunity.

property max_relay_early: int

Return the maximum number of relay_early cells that are allowed to pass a relay.

property peer_flags: Set[int]

Return the peer flags.

min_circuits = 1
max_circuits = 8
max_joined_circuits = 100
max_time_inactive = 20
circuit_timeout = 60
unstable_timeout = 60
next_hop_timeout = 10
swarm_lookup_interval = 30
swarm_connection_limit = 15
remove_tunnel_delay = 5
_peer_flags: Set[int]
_max_relay_early = 8
dht_provider: 2.13.ipv8.dht.provider.DHTCommunityProvider | None
class 2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.community.TunnelCommunity(settings: TunnelSettings)

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.community.Community

Community to create circuits of intermediate peers (hops) that send data into (exit) and receive from the Internet.

version = b'\x02'
async unload() None

Remove all circuits/relays/exitsockets.

get_serializer() 2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Serializer

Extend our serializer with the ability to (un)pack exit node flags.

add_cell_handler(payload_cls: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.lazy_payload.VariablePayloadWID], handler: Callable[[TunnelCommunity, 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, bytes, int | None], None] | Callable[[2.13.ipv8.types.Address, bytes, int | None], None]) None

Handler for messages that are exclusively tunneled (i.e., never handled plaintext).

_generate_circuit_id() int
do_circuits() None

Check if we have sufficient circuits and attempt to create new circuits if we have too little.

build_tunnels(hops: int) None

Signal that we want circuits of a given number of hops.

The number of circuits created for this hop count is dictated by the max_circuits setting.

tunnels_ready(hops: int) float

Fraction of circuits that are available for the given hop count.

do_remove() None

Remove all circuits that are inactive, old or overused and remove old peers from our candidate list.

get_candidates(*requested_flags: int) list[2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer]

Get all the peers that we can create circuits with.

get_max_time(circuit_id: int) float

Get the maximum time (in seconds) that the given circuit is allowed to exist.

find_circuits(ctype: str | None = CIRCUIT_TYPE_DATA, state: str | None = CIRCUIT_STATE_READY, exit_flags: collections.abc.Collection[int] | None = None, hops: int | None = None) list[Circuit]

Get circuits of the given type and state (and potentially exit flags and a given number of hops).

create_circuit(goal_hops: int, ctype: str = CIRCUIT_TYPE_DATA, exit_flags: collections.abc.Collection[int] | None = None, required_exit: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None, info_hash: bytes | None = None) Circuit | None

Create a circuit of a given number of hops. The circuit will be created immediately but not be available for transmission of data immediately. Note that not all circuits exist to send data.


None if we are supposed to find an exit node and know of none.

send_initial_create(circuit: Circuit, candidate_peers: list[2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer], max_tries: int) None

Attempt to establish the first hop in a Circuit.

async remove_circuit(circuit_id: int, additional_info: str = '', remove_now: bool = False, destroy: bool | int = False) None

Remove a circuit and optionally send a destroy message.

async remove_relay(circuit_id: int, additional_info: str = '', remove_now: bool = False, destroy: bool = False) 2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnel.RelayRoute | None

Remove a relay and all information associated with the relay. Return the relays that have been removed.

async remove_exit_socket(circuit_id: int, additional_info: str = '', remove_now: bool = False, destroy: bool = False) 2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.exit_socket.TunnelExitSocket | None

Remove an exit socket. Send a destroy message if necessary.

destroy_circuit(circuit: Circuit, reason: int = 0) None

Send a destroy message over a circuit.

Note that the circuit will still exist.

destroy_relay(circuit_id: int, reason: int = 0) None

Destroy our relay circuit upon request and forward a destroy message.

Note that the relay route will still exist.

destroy_exit_socket(exit_socket: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.exit_socket.TunnelExitSocket, reason: int = 0) None

Destroy an exit socket.

Note that the exit socket will still exist.

send_cell(target_addr: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: CellablePayload) None

Send the given payload DIRECTLY to the given peer with the appropriate encryption rules.

send_data(target: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, circuit_id: int, dest_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes) None

Pack the given binary data and forward it to the given peer.

send_packet(target: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, packet: bytes) int

Send raw data over the socket to a given peer and return the length of the sent data.

send_destroy(target: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, circuit_id: int, reason: int) None

Send a destroy message directly to the given peer.

_ours_on_created_extended(circuit_id: int, payload: CreatedPayload | ExtendedPayload) None
send_extend(circuit: Circuit, candidates: list[bytes], max_tries: int) None

Extend a circuit by choosing one of the given candidates.

extract_peer_flags(extra_bytes: bytes) list[int]

Convert piggybacked introduction bytes to a list of peer flags.

introduction_request_callback(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, dist: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.GlobalTimeDistributionPayload, payload: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload.IntroductionRequestPayload | 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload.NewIntroductionRequestPayload) None

Try to extract piggybacked data from the introduction request.

introduction_response_callback(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, dist: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.GlobalTimeDistributionPayload, payload: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload.IntroductionResponsePayload | 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload.NewIntroductionResponsePayload) None

Try to extract piggybacked data from the introduction response.

create_introduction_request(socket_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, extra_bytes: bytes = b'', new_style: bool = False, prefix: bytes | None = None) bytes

Add peer flags to our introduction requests.

create_introduction_response(lan_socket_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, socket_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, identifier: int, introduction: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None, extra_bytes: bytes = b'', prefix: bytes | None = None, new_style: bool = False) bytes

Add peer flags to our introduction responses.

on_cell(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes) None

Process an incoming cell, originating from a given address.

on_packet_from_circuit(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes, circuit_id: int) None

Process incoming raw data, assumed to be an IPv8 packet, originating from a given address.

async should_join_circuit(create_payload: CreatePayload, previous_node_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address) bool

Check whether we should join a circuit.

Note that this method is intended to be overwritten and, therefore, has unused arguments.

join_circuit(create_payload: CreatePayload, previous_node_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address) None

Actively join a circuit and send a created message back.

async on_create(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: CreatePayload, _: int | None) None

Process a request to join someone’s circuit.

on_created(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: CreatedPayload, _: int | None) None

Callback for when another peer signals that they have joined our circuit.

async on_extend(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: ExtendPayload, _: int | None) None

Callback for when a peer asks us to extend for their circuit.

on_extended(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: ExtendedPayload, _: int | None) None

Callback for when a peer signals that they have extended our circuit.

on_raw_data(circuit: Circuit, origin: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes) None

Handle data, coming from a specific circuit and origin. This method is usually implemented in subclasses of this community.

on_data(sock_addr: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes, _: int | None) None

Callback for when we receive a DataPayload out of a circuit.

Data is readable only if this handler is (a) an exit node or (b) the one that created the circuit.

on_ping(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: PingPayload, _: int | None) None

Callback for when we received a tunneled ping message.

on_pong(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, payload: PongPayload, _: int | None) None

Callback for when we received a tunneled pong (response) message.

do_ping(exclude: list[int] | None = None) None

Ping circuits. Pings are only sent to the first hop, subsequent hops will relay the ping.

on_destroy(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, payload: DestroyPayload) None

Callback for when we received a destroy message.

exit_data(circuit_id: int, sock_addr: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, destination: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes) None

Exit data (to the destination) out of the exit socket associated with the given circuit id.

async dht_peer_lookup(mid: bytes, peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None) None

Perform a DHT lookup for a given SHA-1 hash of a public key.

Note that connections (if any) will be performed in the background. Query for results manually later.

send_test_request(circuit: Circuit, request_size: int = 0, response_size: int = 0) Future[tuple[bytes, float]]

Send a speed test request and wait for a (data, RTT time in seconds) tuple to be recorded.

on_test_request(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when we receive a speed test request.

on_test_response(source_address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, data: bytes, circuit_id: int | None) None

Callback for when we received a test response.

We record the data that the response contained and the time since we sent the original request.