
For most types of Community loading, you can use the ConfigBuilder. These classes present an alternative way to load Community objects into IPv8, itself loaded into another object. Use if you have a IPv8 manager (a “session”) that needs fine-grained control over the loading of each community.

Module Contents



class 2.13.ipv8.loader.CommunityLauncher

Object in charge of preparing a Community for loading in IPv8.

get_name() str

Get the launcher name, for pre-launch organisation.

not_before() list[str]

Should not launch this before some other launcher has completed.


The list of launcher names to complete before this is launched

should_launch(session: object) bool

Check whether this launcher should launch.

For example:

return session.config.get_tunnel_community_enabled()

prepare(overlay_provider: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object) None

Perform setup tasks before the community is loaded.

finalize(ipv8: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object, community: 2.13.ipv8.types.Community) None

Perform cleanup tasks after the community has been loaded.

get_kwargs(session: object) dict

Get the kwargs to load the community with.

abstract get_overlay_class() type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community]

Get the overlay class this launcher wants to load.

This raises a RuntimeError if it was not overwritten at runtime, to appease Pylint.

get_walk_strategies() list[tuple[type[2.13.ipv8.peerdiscovery.discovery.DiscoveryStrategy], dict, int]]

Get walk strategies for this class. It should be provided as a list of tuples with the class, kwargs and maximum number of peers.

get_bootstrappers(session: object) list[tuple[type[2.13.ipv8.bootstrapping.bootstrapper_interface.Bootstrapper], dict]]

Get the bootstrappers for this class. It should be provided as a list of tuples with the class and kwargs.

get_my_peer(ipv8: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object) 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer

Create a new Peer object that represents our own peer for the overlay.

class 2.13.ipv8.loader.CommunityLoader

Object in charge of loading communities into IPv8.

get_launcher(name: str) CommunityLauncher

Get the launcher belonging to the given name.

has_launched(name: str) bool

Check if the launcher with the given name has already been launched.

set_launcher(launcher: CommunityLauncher) None

Register a launcher to be launched by name.

If a launcher for the same name already existed, it is overwritten.

del_launcher(launcher: CommunityLauncher) None

Unregister a launcher.

load(overlay_provider: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object) None

Load all of the communities specified by the registered launchers into IPv8.

abstract _launch(launcher: CommunityLauncher, ipv8: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object) None

This method should be overridden.

class 2.13.ipv8.loader.IPv8CommunityLoader

Bases: CommunityLoader

Loader for IPv8 communities.

_launch(launcher: CommunityLauncher, ipv8: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8, session: object) None

Launch a launcher: register the overlay with IPv8.

2.13.ipv8.loader.name(str_name: str) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify a custom name for this launcher.

For example:

class A(CommunityLauncher):

str_name – the new name to give this launcher.

2.13.ipv8.loader.after(*launcher_name: str) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify one or more Community classes which should be loaded before the CommunityLauncher is invoked. You may call this multiple times and/or with multiple arguments.

For example:

@after('CommunityLauncher1', 'CommunityLauncher2')
class A(CommunityLauncher):

class A(CommunityLauncher):

launcher_name – the launcher name(s) that need to be loaded beforehand.

2.13.ipv8.loader.precondition(str_condition: str) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify a string to be evaluated and interpreted as a condition for this CommunityLauncher to start. A session object is provided to pull a state from. You may call this multiple times.

For example:

class A(CommunityLauncher):

@precondition('not session.some_condition_method()')
class A(CommunityLauncher):

str_condition – the string to be evaluated as a launch condition.

2.13.ipv8.loader._get_class(class_or_function: type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community] | Callable[[Any], type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community]]) type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community]

Return the class by processing incoming argument either as a function or as a class.


class_or_function – the class, or the function that represents this class.

2.13.ipv8.loader.overlay(str_module_or_class: str | type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community] | Callable[[], type[2.13.ipv8.types.Community]], str_definition: str | None = None) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify, as strings, a module and Community class object defined therein to lazy-load. Otherwise, give an actual Community class to load.

For example:

@overlay('my_module.some_submodule', 'MyCommunityClass')
class A(CommunityLauncher):

from my_module.some_submodule import MyCommunityClass
class A(CommunityLauncher):

def my_community_class():
    from my_module.some_submodule import MyCommunityClass
    return MyCommunityClass

class A(CommunityLauncher):
  • str_module_or_class – either the module to load or a Community class.

  • str_definition – either the class definition to load or None if str_module_or_class is not a string.

2.13.ipv8.loader.walk_strategy(str_module_or_class: str | type[2.13.ipv8.peerdiscovery.discovery.DiscoveryStrategy] | Callable[[], type[2.13.ipv8.peerdiscovery.discovery.DiscoveryStrategy]], str_definition: str | None = None, target_peers: int = 20, kw_args: dict | None = None) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify, as strings, a module and DiscoveryStrategy class object defined therein to lazy-load. Otherwise, give an actual DiscoveryStrategy class to load.

For example:

 @walk_strategy('my_module.some_submodule', 'MyStrategyClass')
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

 from my_module.some_submodule import MyStrategyClass
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

 @walk_strategy('my_module.some_submodule', 'MyStrategyClass', target_peers=-1, kwargs={'a key': 'a value'})
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

def my_strategy_class():
     from my_module.some_submodule import MyStrategyClass
     return MyStrategyClass

 class A(CommunityLauncher):
  • str_module_or_class – either the module to load or a DiscoveryStrategy class.

  • str_definition – either the class definition to load or None if str_module_or_class is not a string.

  • target_peers – the target_peers for the strategy.

  • kw_args – the keyword arguments to initialize the DiscoveryStrategy instance with.

2.13.ipv8.loader.bootstrapper(str_module_or_class: str | type[2.13.ipv8.bootstrapping.bootstrapper_interface.Bootstrapper] | Callable[[], type[2.13.ipv8.bootstrapping.bootstrapper_interface.Bootstrapper]], str_definition: str | None = None, kw_args: dict | None = None) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify, as strings, a module and Bootstrapper class object defined therein to lazy-load. Otherwise, give an actual Bootstrapper class to load.

For example:

 @bootstrapper('my_module.some_submodule', 'MyBootstrapper')
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

 from my_module.some_submodule import MyBootstrapper
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

 @bootstrapper('my_module.some_submodule', 'MyBootstrapper', kw_args={'a key': 'a value'})
 class A(CommunityLauncher):

def my_bootstrapper_class():
     from my_module.some_submodule import MyBootstrapper
     return MyBootstrapper

 class A(CommunityLauncher):
  • str_module_or_class – either the module to load or a Bootstrapper class.

  • str_definition – either the class definition to load or None if str_module_or_class is not a string.

  • kw_args – the keyword arguments to initialize the Bootstrapper instance with.

2.13.ipv8.loader.set_in_session(attribute_name: str) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify an attribute to set on the session, once the CommunityLauncher has finished initializing its Community.

For example, the following sets the session.my_community to the loaded Community instance:

class A(CommunityLauncher):

attribute_name – the attribute name (string) to set on the session, once the Community is loaded.

2.13.ipv8.loader.kwargs(**kw_args) Callable[[type[CommunityLauncher]], type[CommunityLauncher]]

Specify keyword arguments as evaluated strings, to initialize the Community with. A session object is provided to pull a state from.

For example:

class A(CommunityLauncher):

@kwargs(a_key='"I am a string! :)"')
class A(CommunityLauncher):

kw_args – the mapping of keyword arguments to statements to be evaluated.