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2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.cache_retrieval_failed(overlay: 2.13.ipv8.overlay.Overlay, cache_class: type[2.13.ipv8.types.NumberCache]) None

Handler for messages which failed to match to an existing overlay cache.

2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.retrieve_cache(cache_class: type[2.13.ipv8.types.NumberCache]) Callable[[CTF], CTF]

This function wrapper match a payload to a registered cache for you.

For this wrapper to function, you will need to comply with three standards:

  • The last specified payload must include an identifier attribute.

  • The cache_class must specify a name attribute.

  • The overlay this method belongs to has a request_cache attribute.

You can now message handlers as follows:

@lazy_wrapper(MyPayload1, MyPayload2)  # MyPayload2.identifier must exist!
@retrieve_cache(MyCache)  # MyCache.name must exist!
def on_message(peer: Peer,
               payload1: MyPayload1,
               payload2: MyPayload2,
               cache: NumberCache):

cache_class – the cache to fetch.

2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.lazy_wrapper(*payloads: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload]) Callable[[2.13.ipv8.types.LazyWrappedHandler], 2.13.ipv8.types.MessageHandlerFunction]

This function wrapper will unpack the BinMemberAuthenticationPayload for you.

You can now write your authenticated and signed functions as follows:

@lazy_wrapper(IntroductionRequestPayload, IntroductionResponsePayload)
def on_message(peer: Peer,
               payload1: IntroductionRequestPayload,
               payload2: IntroductionResponsePayload):
2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.lazy_wrapper_wd(*payloads: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload]) Callable[[2.13.ipv8.types.LazyWrappedWDataHandler], 2.13.ipv8.types.MessageHandlerFunction]

This function wrapper will unpack the BinMemberAuthenticationPayload for you, as well as pass the raw data to the decorated function.

You can now write your authenticated and signed functions as follows:

@lazy_wrapper_wd(IntroductionRequestPayload, IntroductionResponsePayload)
def on_message(peer: Peer,
               payload1: IntroductionRequestPayload,
               payload2: IntroductionResponsePayload,
               data: bytes):
2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.lazy_wrapper_unsigned(*payloads: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload]) Callable[[2.13.ipv8.types.LazyWrappedUnsignedHandler], 2.13.ipv8.types.MessageHandlerFunction]

This function wrapper will unpack just the normal payloads for you.

You can now write your non-authenticated and signed functions as follows:

@lazy_wrapper_unsigned(IntroductionRequestPayload, IntroductionResponsePayload)
def on_message(source_address: Address,
               payload1: IntroductionRequestPayload,
               payload2: IntroductionResponsePayload):
2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.lazy_wrapper_unsigned_wd(*payloads: type[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload]) Callable[[2.13.ipv8.types.LazyWrappedWDataUnsignedHandler], 2.13.ipv8.types.MessageHandlerFunction]

This function wrapper will unpack just the normal payloads for you, as well as pass the raw data to the decorated function.

You can now write your non-authenticated and signed functions as follows:

@lazy_wrapper_unsigned_wd(IntroductionRequestPayload, IntroductionResponsePayload)
def on_message(source_address: Address,
               payload1: IntroductionRequestPayload,
               payload2: IntroductionResponsePayload,
               data: bytes):
class 2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.EZPackOverlay(settings: SettingsClass)

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.overlay.Overlay, abc.ABC

Base class that provides you with some easy ways to pack and unpack payloads.

abstract get_prefix() bytes

Get the prefix of this overlay.

ez_send(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, *payloads: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload, **kwargs) None

Send a Payload instance (with a defined msg_id field) to a peer. If you supply more than one Payload instance, the msg_id of the LAST instance will be used.

  • peer – the peer to send to

  • sig (bool) – whether or not to sign this message

  • payloads – the list of Payload instances to serialize

_ez_senda(address: 2.13.ipv8.types.Address, *payloads: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload, **kwargs) None

Send a Payload instance to an address.

You will probably not need this, try to use ez_send instead.

  • address – the address to send to

  • sig (bool) – whether or not to sign this message

  • payloads – the list of Payload instances to serialize

ezr_pack(msg_num: int, *payloads: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload, **kwargs) bytes

The easier way to pack your messages. Supply with the message number and the Payloads you want to serialize. Optionally you can choose to sign the message.

  • msg_num – the message number to claim for this message

  • sig (bool) – whether or not to sign this message

  • payloads – the list of Payload instances to serialize


the serialized message

_ez_pack(prefix: bytes, msg_num: int, payloads: Sequence[2.13.ipv8.messaging.serialization.Payload], sig: bool = True) bytes
_verify_signature(auth: 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.BinMemberAuthenticationPayload, data: bytes) tuple[bool, bytes]
_ez_unpack_auth(payload_class: type[UT], data: bytes) tuple[2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.BinMemberAuthenticationPayload, 2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.GlobalTimeDistributionPayload, UT]
_ez_unpack_noauth(payload_class: type[UT], data: bytes, global_time: bool = True) tuple[2.13.ipv8.messaging.payload_headers.GlobalTimeDistributionPayload, UT] | UT
exception 2.13.ipv8.lazy_community.PacketDecodingError

Bases: RuntimeError

Exception for when binary data doesn’t match its expected format.