
Copyright (c) 2016, Maarten Everts All rights reserved.

This source code has been ported from https://github.com/privacybydesign/gabi The authors of this file are not -in any way- affiliated with the original authors or organizations.

Module Contents




2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.DefaultEpochLength = 432000
class 2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.BaseParameters(LePrime: int, Lh: int, Lm: int, Ln: int, Lstatzk: int)

Algorithm parameters for Gabi.

class 2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.PrivateKey(p: int, q: int, counter: int, expiryDate: int)

Gabi private key.

class 2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.PublicKey(N: int, Z: int, S: int, R: list[int], counter: int, expiryDate: int, param: BaseParameters | None = None)

Gabi public key.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.findMatch(safeprimes: list[int], param: BaseParameters, p: int) int | None

Select a safe prime from the given list that fits the Gabi protocol’s requirements.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.generateSafePrimePair(param: BaseParameters) tuple[int, int]

Generate a prime pair that fits Gabi’s protocol requirements.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.legendreSymbol(a: int, p: int) int

Calculate the Legendre Symbol for numbner a and prime p.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.GenerateKeyPair(param: BaseParameters, numAttributes: int, counter: int, expiryDate: int) tuple[PrivateKey, PublicKey]

Generate a new key pair for a given number of attributes.

class 2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.CLSignature(A: int, E: int, V: int, KeyshareP: int | None = None)

A Camenisch-Lysyanskaya signature.

Verify(pk: PublicKey, ms: list[int]) bool

Verify the signature for the given public key.

Randomize(pk: PublicKey) CLSignature

Mask the signature without changing its underlying data.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.representToBases(bases: list[int], exps: list[int], modulus: int, maxMessageLength: int) int

CRT the given exponents (or their hashes if they are bigger than the max length).

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.RepresentToPublicKey(pk: PublicKey, exps: list[int]) int

CRT the given exponents using public key information.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.smallPrimes = [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53]
2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.smallPrimesProduct = 16294579238595022365
2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.randomPrimeInRange(start: int, length: int) int

Generate a prime in a given range.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.signMessageBlockAndCommitment(sk: PrivateKey, pk: PublicKey, U: int, ms: list[int]) CLSignature

Sign a bunch of messages using our key material.

2.13.ipv8.attestation.wallet.irmaexact.gabi.keys.SignMessageBlock(sk: PrivateKey, pk: PublicKey, ms: list[int]) CLSignature

Sign a bunch of messages using our key material.