
Module Contents


class 2.13.ipv8.REST.attestation_endpoint.AttestationEndpoint

Bases: 2.13.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.BaseEndpoint[2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8]

This endpoint is responsible for handing all requests regarding attestation.

setup_routes() None

Register the names to make this endpoint callable.

initialize(session: 2.13.ipv8.types.IPv8) None

Initialize this endpoint for the given IPv8 instance.

on_request_attestation(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, attribute_name: str, metadata: dict) asyncio.Future

Return the measurement of an attribute for a certain peer.

on_attestation_complete(for_peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, attribute_name: str, attribute_hash: bytes, id_format: str, from_peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer | None = None) None

Callback for when an attestation has been completed for another peer. We can now sign for it.

on_verify_request(peer: 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer, attribute_hash: bytes) asyncio.Future

Return the measurement of an attribute for a certain peer.

on_verification_results(attribute_hash: bytes, values: list[float]) None

Callback for when verification has concluded.

get_peer_from_mid(mid_b64: str) 2.13.ipv8.peer.Peer | None

Find a peer by base64 encoded mid.

_drop_identity_table_data(keys_to_keep: list[bytes]) list[bytes]

Remove all metadata from the identity community.


keys_to_keep – list of keys to not remove for


the list of attestation hashes which have been removed

_drop_attestation_table_data(attestation_hashes: list[bytes]) None

Remove all attestation data (claim based keys and ZKP blobs) by list of attestation hashes.


attestation_hashes – hashes to remove



async handle_get(request: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.13.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Get information from the AttestationCommunity.

async handle_post(request: aiohttp.abc.Request) 2.13.ipv8.REST.base_endpoint.Response

Send a command to the AttestationCommunity.